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Akin-Deko Professionals PLLC

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1 E Chase St, Baltimore 21202, Maryland, United States


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General info
Akin-Deko Professionals PLLC is a legal and consulting firm that represents clients in business law and consulting, labor and employment law, litigation defense, FDCPA or state equivalent defense, corporate compliance, government and private sector contracts, contracts formation and alternative dispute resolution throughout the country.  We have attorneys licensed to represent clients in the District of Columbia, the states of Maryland, Virginia, New York, Texas and Florida and the Country of Mexico. Akin-Deko Professionals is also licensed to practice before the Federal District Courts of the District of Columbia, Maryland and Colorado. Akin-Deko Professionals Capabilities Statement and Statement of Qualifications are available by emailing us at info@adpfirm.com.  For consultations, contact us at info@adpfirm.com or 888-391-7772 and we can provide a consultation at one of our following locations or via video or telephone conference if you are located outside of the DC or Baltimore metropolitan areas. Akin-Deko Professionals PLLC DC Metro Address 919 Prince Street, 2nd Floor Alexandria VA 22314               &   Akin-Deko Professionals PLLC Baltimore
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