Beard Zion LLC
- Categories:
- Beard
- Keywords:
- General info
- Beard Zion is an online retailer, founded in 2019, offering a complete line of beard care products. Now this niche market has gone mainstream and there are many choices available. What makes us our store unique is that we search far and wide for top quality products and bring them within a “click” of our customers. We offer quality products at affordable prices. The importance of good beard care cannot be stressed enough. Take care of the beard, and the beard shall take care of you! Facial hair, just like regular hair requires adequate care and maintenance. Our selected range of products include Body wash, lotions, conditioners, shaving cream or gel oils, balms, customized comb and brushes . All ingredients are listed for each of our products so you can make an informed purchase decision. We welcome all your suggestions and please let us know if there are any products and supplies we should carry. Please contact us with your suggestions, comments, or feedback. We look forward to hearing from you.
Beard Zion LLC