Positive Minds


3317 3317 Zola street katlehong south 1431, Johannesburg 1431, Gauteng, South Africa

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Job Training
General info
We are a specialist recruitment agency for People with disabilities(PWDs), we integrate PWDs in workplaces, we offer FREE training to all hiring managers on disability awareness and offer transport to candidates to and from work. Benefits for employers include:increased BEE scorecard,reach the Employment Equity Act demand of having at least 2% representation of PWDs in workplaces, Get upto R100 000 in Tax claims for offering leaderships. Benefits for PWDs include: Suitable work environment-we discuss with you to understand your needs, requirements and concerns then match you with a suitable workplace. Transport orientation for 5 day, once we have place you in a workplace we will offer free transport for 5 days until you find a reliable transport and follow up & support to see how you are settling into your new job.


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