female-business-owver-compressed1 Rise Training Academy - Support Black Owned

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Rise Training Academy


8716 South Colfax Avenue, Chicago 60606, Illinois, United States

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Mixed Martial Arts
General info
To provide education through martial arts of enslaved or colonized communities. Rise Training Academy was and continues to be riven with pain by the knowledge that citizens are being hunted, shot in their own homes, and strangled in the public square while being denied their basic humanity. Rise Training Academy has always been a resource of the Chicago Southside and always will be. We have great pride in our city because it has made us who we are and we know we owe so much. The first few years of my martial arts journey was spent exploring the idea of “did I belong here?” Capoeira, after I got to know her better, provided me with a home and family. I ultimately committed to capoeira because capoeira addressed the idea of me having my own Afrocentric ideologies, but I still had to learn to navigate in a world that doesn’t share those values. If the capoeira Rise Training Academy teaches represents freedom, then oppression is the enemy to the Rise capoeirista. Capoeira is for the people, not the establishment. As a capoeirista, I will always fight to support the people. The people are all shades of melanin and include the rainbows of sexual orientations and gender


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