female-business-owver-compressed1 Sustainable Food Advocates: Growing Food with Health Education - Support Black Owned

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Sustainable Food Advocates: Growing Food with Health Education


Fresno, California, United States

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Natural & Organic
General info
Eat more fresh veggies, fruits, and herbs while reducing diet-related diseases from artificial and synthetic ingredients. Learn about nutrition facts and labeling information to improve nutrient densities of vitamins and minerals while creating a personalized plan for weight, mood, and detoxification goals. Design a garden for your patio or backyard and begin eating in 1 month! Start by growing what you buy the most to save grocery expenses, then grow even more as you learn how to about new plant varieties and types for roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits! Build urban and rural local, healthy, sustainable foodsheds for underserved neighborhoods with socioeconomic disparaties to confront preventable diet-related diseases as a public health strategy that promotes food as medicine.


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