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In my journeys I’ve gotten tutelage from none to few black modern digital age designers. I've found some help and or guides in older media but nothing very relevant or recent. No matter what you look like: To all that have freely given to this my knowledge, this service, and to your fellow artisans and man… I thank you!Mind you I've only been at it for seven months so my designs and finished work ar rough. I’m founding JBI American Black Jeweler Association. It branches from my other business ventures and personal endeavors. It stems from a curiosity: why are the most influential of us not wearing our designs? Why did I not know Art Smith or Winfred Mason-Chenet before I learned about a Cuban link or gold front!? Primitivism is an important thing and not just in the description of our music!Help Me! Join Me! Are there any jewelry and or other artists and or designers who would like to help in the research, promotion, fundraising, and or membership cultivation and groundbreaking!
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jbi american black jewelers association